GC XI Volunteer

January 14, 2019 Off By LMetcalf

So, you want to volunteer to help at Gary Con XI? The site to sign up for jobs at Gary Con XI is now open.

Open jobs include:

  • Set-Up -Tue. March 5th, Wed. March 6th   (Stuffing swag bags, general set-up for the con),
  • Swag Sales – Wed. thru Sun    (Selling con merchandise at our hallway table)
  • Volunteer HQ – Wed. thru Sun   (Helping assign volunteers, restocking food carts)
  • GM Services – Thu. Thru Sun   (Running food and beverage carts to our wonderful GM’s so that they can run games un-interrupted)
  • Forum HQ –  Thu. Thru Sun   (Keeping an eye on games and events at the Forum)
  • Lounge – Thu thru Sun (Hosting the VIP / GM / Staff Lounge – stocking complimentary snacks and beverages, running DVD movies on the big screen TV, and hanging out with off duty volunteers, GM.s, and guests )
  • Utility Staff – Thu thru Sun  (Staffing dealer room doors before opening)

To pick jobs:

Step 1) Go to the following web address on the TTE website:


Note: TTE site does not support Internet Explorer. You will not be able to see the events. The site works fine w/ Microsoft Edge, Firefox, or Goggle Chrome

Step 2) If you do not already have a con badge. register and “Buy” a badge (it will be free, but you need to get a badge in the money slot machines system to register for volunteer events)

Step 3) Choose the “events” that you want to help with. (that’s how the volunteer slots are identified…each slot is a separate event with X number of tickets available). Please note that this badge is purely to pick volunteer “events”. You will still need a regular Gary Con badge for the convention.

If you have any problems or questions please let us know and we’ll do our best to get you what you need.

cliff@garycon.com         frank@garycon.com        mike@garycon.com

Thanks for helping – the con could not run without you…


Mike Noe

Director of Operations